The Only Way Is Love

February 14, 2013

Lynne Hurdle-Price at TEDx-Women 2012

It seems fitting to share this post on Valentine’s Day, a holiday that can be so distracting from what love really is.  Starting my morning with this talk felt like a serendipitously poetic antidote to the trappings of this holiday.

Lynne Hurdle-Price starts strong and ends stronger.  While this talk is about bodies, it is also about something much bigger and profound. If you happen to be human then this talk is well worth watching through.

I want this woman to be my friend.  And dance partner.

3 Responses to “The Only Way Is Love”

  1. Deb M said

    Reblogged this on Life Is A Journey and commented:
    I watched this video and it was amazing! Love yourself!!

  2. Deb M said

    I enjoyed this blog post and I would like to nominate you for the Liebster Award!
    Follow my link for more info…
    Keep Blogging!

  3. Kelly Kuhn said

    Thank you. That was lovely.

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